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Your Veterinary Physiotherapist



Bsc (Hons), PgDip, MIRVAP (VP)

When I was younger, I had a love of horses, dogs, and trains and as luck would have it the closest riding school to me had a train line at the end of their field and many clients and staff with dogs allowing me to enjoy all my 4-year-old obsessions together.

I spent my late teens and early 20's competing in Show Jumping looking for the weirdest and most wonderful horses I could. I got my BSc (Hons) Degree in Equine Sport Science at Nottingham Trent University in 2014 and went and joined The Animal Health Trust within the Centre for Equine Studies in the prestigious Equine Orthopaedics team and still work with the research team after the closure of the trust in 2020. Since 2015 I worked on the use of the Equine Water Treadmills leading me to working with trained Veterinary Physiotherapists while I was also working as a riding instructor and coach. Finding an interest in physiotherapy and welfare I was encouraged to work towards my Master’s degree in Veterinary Physiotherapy where I learnt not only about horses but dogs as well.

I am a specialist and aim to build this company to offer the very best for my clients.

Using my welfare and biomechanics research, my background as a competitive and behaviour rider I aim to do the best I can to look after all my clients in the best way possible.


I'm very proud of my research work and contributions over the years so please find below a list of my current publications and where you can go to find them.

Tranquille, C. A., Nankervis, K. J., Walker, V. A., Tacey, J. B., & Murray, R. C. (2017). Current Knowledge of Equine Water Treadmill Exercise: What Can We Learn From Human and Canine Studies? Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 50, 76–83.


Tranquille, C. A., Tacey, J. B., Walker, V. A., Nankervis, K. J., & Murray, R. C. (2018). International Survey of Equine Water Treadmills—Why, When, and How? Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 69, 34–42.


Walker, V. A., Dyson, S. J., Tranquille, C. A., Tacey, J. B., & Murray, R. C. (2019). Limb and thoracolumbosacral kinematics over an upright and parallel spread fence. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 15(1), 55–67.


Murray, R. C., Tranquille, C. A., Walker, V. A., Milmine, R. C., Bak, L., Tacey, J. B., & Bolas, N. M. (2020). Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in the Proximal Metacarpal Region of 359 Horses and Proximal Metatarsal Region of 64 Horses Acquired Under Standing Sedation. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 94, 103268.

Tranquille, C., Tacey, J., Walker, V., Mackechnie-Guire, R., Ellis, J., Nankervis, K., Newton, J., & Murray, R. (2022). Effect of water depth on limb and back kinematics in horses walking on a water treadmill. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 104025.

Tranquille, C. A., Tacey, J. B., Walker, V. A., Mackechnie-Guire, R., Ellis, J., Nankervis, K. J., Newton, R., & Murray, R. C. (2022). The immediate effect of water treadmill walking exercise on overground in-hand walking locomotion in the horse. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 1–6.


Below you will find work that has been featured in conference proceedings that I have contributed to.

Tranquille, C. A., Walker V. A., Tacey, J. B., Bolas N, Murray, R. C. The frequency and distribution of abnormalities detected on low-field magnetic resonance images in the proximal metacarpal region of 323 horses with proximal metacarpal pain. Proc. 55th British Equine Veterinary Association Congress, Birmingham, 2016: p192-3.


Tacey, J. B., Tranquille, C. A., Nankervis, K. J., Hopkins E., Deckers, I., Mackechnie-Guire, R., Murray, R. C., The Effect of weekly water treadmill training on changes in limb kinematics in a group of 38 horses during water treadmill exercise.  Horses Inside Out. 22nd - 23rd Feburary 2020. Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough University.

Murray, R.C., Hopkins, E., Tacey, J.B., Nankervis, K., Deckers, I., MacKechnie‐Guire, R. and Tranquille, C.A., 2020, October. Change in muscle development of horses undergoing 20 weeks of water treadmill exercise compared with control horses. In British Equine Veterinary Association Congress 2020: BEVA 2020.

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